stolenVehicle recovery
Vehicle Immobilization
Inthe event yourvehicle isreported stolento law enforcement authorities,
the Blue link CustomerCare Centercanuse the GPs system to help pinpoint
the exact locationof the vehicle and assist initsrecovery.
Inthe event yourvehicle isreported stolento law enforcement authorities,
they may elect to utilize thisfeature to completely turnoff the engine once
the vehicle hasbeenstopped using vehicle slowdown. Thiswillprevent the
vehicle from being restarted untillaw enforcement hasarrived on
the scene.
log onto, select the Blue link logo foryour
applicable vehicle, thenselect Blue link Preferencesand set youralert
preferencesundernotificationsforstolenVehicle recovery.
Inorderforlaw enforcement to assist, you must first log onto, select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle,
thenselect Blue link Preferences, and set youralert preferencesunder
notificationsforstolenVehicle recovery.
To inform Hyundai of the theft of yourHyundai vehicle, call
a live operatorwillcome online to assist you.
To inform Hyundai of the theft of yourHyundai vehicle, call
you willbe asked to verify yourname, phone numbers, and Hyundai
PIn and provide verificationthat apolice report hasbeenfiled,
including the case number.
a live operatorwillwork with law enforcement ininitiating vehicle
immobilizationand assist inthe vehicle’srecovery.
The agent willinitiate astolenvehicle recovery signalto pinpoint
the vehicle’slocationand willcoordinate with law enforcement inits
Valet alert
Wheneveryou leave yourHyundai vehicle with avalet and it travelsfarther
thanyourpre-selected distance boundary afterin-vehicle activation, you will
be notified viayourchoice of text message oremail.
Once the stolenvehicle recovery routine hasbeenstarted, the ownerwill
not be provided vehicle statusorlocation, due to personalsafety issues. at
the conclusionof the recovery process, Blue link willcontact the ownerand
inform them of the vehicle’sdisposition.
you canactivate thisfeature intwo ways:
stolenVehicle slowdown
• Onthe Web
log onto
Inthe event yourvehicle isreported stolento law enforcement authorities,
they may elect to utilize thisfeature to gradually reduce engine power,
thereby slowing the vehicle’sspeed and eventually bringing it to acomplete stop.
select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle
select Blue link Preferences
select Geo-Fence
TurnonValet Geo-Fence
Inorderforlaw enforcement to activate thisfeature, you must first log on
to, select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle,
thenselect Blue link Preferences, and set youralert preferencesunder
notificationsforstolenVehicle recovery.
• InyourVehicle
Pressthe Blue link button onyourrearview mirror
at the prompt, say “Valet alert”
To inform Hyundai of the theft of yourHyundai vehicle,
call855-2-Bluelink (855-225-8354).
Once activated, you willautomatically receive analert should yourvehicle
travelfartherthanyourpre-selected distance boundary from the point of
a live operatorwillwork with law enforcement ininitiating vehicle
slowdownand assist inthe vehicle’srecovery.
Please note: Hyundai Blue link servicesare subject to adequate cellular
coverage and signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
24 I BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual I 25
Categories | Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals |
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Document Type | Navigation Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Hyundai, Santa Fe |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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