2012 Hyundai Genesis Owners Manual

Safety features of your vehicle
It is much more likely that you will sim-
ply see  the deflated  air bags  hanging
out of their storage compartments after
the collision.
How does the air bag system
To  avoid  severe  personal  injury
or death caused  by deploying air
bags  in   a  collision,   the  driver
should  sit  as far  back  from  the
steering wheel  air  bag as  possi-
ble (at  least  250 mm  (10 inches)
Air bags are activated (able to inflate if
necessary)   only   when   the   ignition
switch is  turned  to the  ON or  START
Air bags inflate instantly in the event of
a  serious  frontal  or  side  collision  (if
equipped  with side  air bag  or  curtain
air  bag)  in  order  to help  protect  the
occupants from serious physical injury.
In order to  help provide protection in a
severe  collision,   the  air   bags  must
inflate  rapidly.  The  speed  of  air  bag
inflation   is   a   consequence   of   the
extremely short time in which a collision
occurs and  the  need to  inflate the  air
bag  between   the  occupant  and   the
vehicle structures  before the occupant
impacts those structures.This speed of
inflation reduces  the risk  of serious or
life-threatening injuries in a  severe col-
lision and is thus a necessary part of air
bag design.
However,  air   bag  inflation   can  also
cause injuries which can  include facial
abrasions,  bruises and  broken  bones
because the inflation speed also caus-
es the air  bags to expand with a  great
deal of force.
away).   The
front    passengers
should  always  move their  seats
as  far  back  as possible  and  sit
back in their seat.
•  Air  bags  inflate  instantly  in  the
event  of  collision,  and   passen-
gers may be injured by the air bag
expansion force if they  are not in
proper position.
There is  no single speed at  which the
air bags will inflate.
Generally,  air  bags  are   designed  to
inflate based upon the severity of a col-
lision and  its direction. These two  fac-
tors  determine   whether  the  sensors
produce   an   electronic   deployment/
inflation signal.
•  Air
bag   inflation    may    cause
injuries including facial  or bodily
abrasions,  injuries  from  broken
glasses or burns.
Air  bag   deployment   depends  on   a
number  of   factors  including   vehicle
speed, angles of impact and the densi-
ty  and   stiffness   of  the   vehicles  or
objects which  your  vehicle hits  in the
collision. The  determining  factors  are
not limited to those mentioned above.
•  There
under which contact  with the steer-
ing  wheel  air  bag  can  cause  fatal
injuries,  especially if  the  occupant
is  positioned  excessively  close  to
the steering wheel.
The   front  air   bags   will   completely
inflate and deflate in an instant.
It is virtually  impossible for  you to see
the air bags inflate during an  accident.
Product Specification
Categories Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Genesis, Manuals
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- 393 pages
Document TypeOwners Manual
Product BrandHyundai, Genesis
Document File TypePDF
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