2016 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport Gen 1 Blue Link Audio Manual

BlUe link  reMo t e Pac kaGe
remote doorUnlock/lock
inthe event of arecalloraselect service campaignthat affectsyourvehicle, this
feature providesyou with informationaswellasdirectionsfornext steps.you will
receive in-vehicle alertsaswellascommunicationviayourchoice of email, text, or
automated phone call.
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first log onto
www.MyHyundai.com, select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle,
thenselect Blue link Preferences, and set youralert preferencesunder
Featuresaccessible viathe
Blue link Mobile app
once activated, you willautomatically be notified, by yourselected
methods, of any recallorservice campaignnotice affecting yourvehicle as
wellasbe offered assistance inscheduling anappointment with yourlocal
Hyundai dealer.
With thisfeature, you canlock  orunlock yourvehicle doorsfrom  virtually
anywhere by dialing atoll-free number, using the Blue link mobile phone
app, orusing the Blue link o wner’swebsite.
service link
to use thisfeature,  you must have aBlue link Personal
identificationnumber(Pin). to  create orchange yourPin, log
onto www.MyHyundai.com. see  page 5 of thismanualformore
service link allowsyou to schedule aHyundai dealership service appointment.
if you notice anissue with yourvehicle, aspecialist canwalk you through abrief
survey to help define it.
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first log onto
www.MyHyundai.com and confirm yourPreferred Hyundai dealer.
to activate remote doorUnlock/lock
select the applicable vehicle showninthe MyVehiclesmenu.
View yourcurrent Preferred dealerunder“My service dealer”.
By Blue link Mobile app: select do o r Unlo c k ordo o r lo c k, as
enteryourBlue link Pin.
t he command to lock orunlock yourdoorswillbe sent to your
if desired, select“change”to the search fordealersinyourareausing the Zip
code/search functions.
select the dealerby clicking the starnext to the dealername.
By phone: dialtoll-free 855-2-Bluelink (855-225-8354).
How to Use service link inyourVehicle
By website: log onto www.MyHyundai.com, select Blue link.
select remote doorUnlock/lock.
Pressthe Blue link button     located onyourrearview mirror.
input yourBlue link Pin.
at the prompt, say“service link.”
a trained specialist willofferto make adealership service appointment.
While making the appointment, the agent willask questionsabout
what isneeded inorderto schedule the appointment appropriately.
Fornon-maintenance related appointments, allcollected dataaswell
asarecording of the callwillbe sent to yourHyundai dealerat the
conclusionof the call.
Please note: afterBlue link unlocksthe  doors, they willremain
unlocked foronly 30 seconds. t hisauto relock isdesigned  to
enhance vehicle security by relocking the doorsif  the doorsare
not opened within30 seconds.
remote servicesare  subject to adequate cellularcoverage and
signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
yourPreferred dealerwillbe notified oryourappointment and may contact
you if needed.
anemailreminderwith the appointment willalso be sent to you.
18 i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual  i  19
Product Specification
Categories Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals
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- 18 pages
Document TypeAudio Manual
Product BrandHyundai, Santa Fe
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