remote Vehicle start
remote start preconditions:
ignitioniso FF
alarm isarmed (i.e., vehicle locked by key fob remote doorlock)
Gearshift levelisinthe “P” (park) position
Brake pedalisnot depressed
engine hood issecurely closed
Featuresaccessible viathe
Blue link Mobile app
allthe doorsare closed and locked
t he tailgate ortrunk lid isclosed
t he security/panic system isnot activated
t he proximity key isnot inside the vehicle
t he battery powerisnot low
Vehicle islocated inanopenarea
it hasbeenlessthan4 dayssince last vehicle ignitionoff
Vehicle located inareawith good cellreception
t hisBlue link Mobile app feature enablesyou to find yourvehicle onamap if
you are withina1-mile radiusof yourvehicle and givesyou the ability to save
yourvehicle’slocationforfuture reference.
to use thisfeature, you must have aBlue link Personalidentification
remote start terminates
after10 minutes
number(Pin). to create orchange yourPin, log onto
see page 5 of thismanualformore information.
Brake ispressed without proximity key inside vehicle
alarm istriggered without proximity key inside vehicle
door/trunk isopened from inside the vehicle
to activate carFinderviaBlue link Mobile app
• select Map.
t henselect the vehicle iconinthe upperright hand corner.
to search withina1-mile radius
notice: lawsinsome communitiesmay restrict the use of the features
that remotely start the engine. Forexample, some lawsmay require a
personusing the remote start feature to have the vehicle inview when
doing so orlimit the length of time avehicle engine may idle. Please
check localand state regulationsforany requirementsand restrictionson
remote starting of vehiclesand engine idling time.
enteryourBlue link Pin.
t he command willbe sent to yourvehicle, the vehicle locationwillbe
shownonthe map and yourvehicle’slightswillflash forapproximately
30 seconds.
if yourvehicle isnot found withina1-mile radius, you canstillsave the
locationof yourvehicle by tagging it onthe map.
to tag yourvehicle’slocation
select taG neW lo c at io n
do not remote start vehicle inanenclosed environment (i.e., closed garage).
Prolonged operationof amotorvehicle inanenclosed environment cancause a
harmfulbuild-up of carbonmonoxide. carbonmonoxide isharmfulto yourhealth.
exposure to high levelsof carbonmonoxide cancause headaches, dizzinessorin
extreme casesunconsciousnessand/ordeath. do not leave childrenoranimals
unattended inavehicle while using the remote start function.
t he locationwilldefault to yourcurrent locationoryou have
the optionto move the map around untilthe vehicle tag iconisinthe
appropriate locationonthe map.
c aUt io n!
tap the iconand select saVe lo c at io n.
if the vehicle’swindshield wipersare left onwhenthe vehicle waslast driven, then
the wiperswillturnonif the remote start functionisactivated. to avoid damage to
the wiperblades(i.e., due to heavy ice orsnow accumulated onthe windshield),
please alwaysturnthe vehicle’swindshield wipersoff whenparking the vehicle.
to clearthe location, tap the iconagainand select c lear lo c at io n.
22 i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual i 23
Categories | Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals |
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Document Type | Audio Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Hyundai, Santa Fe |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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