2011 Hyundai Accent Owners Manual

Intended  Outboard  Sidewall:  The
side of an asymmetrical tire, that must
always face outward when mounted on
a vehicle.
Kilopascal (kPa): The metric unit for
air pressure.
Load Index: Anassignednumberrang-
ing from 1 to 279 that corresponds to
the load carrying capacity  of a tire.
Maximum  Inflation  Pressure:  The
maximum air pressure to which a cold
tire may be inflated. The maximum air
pressure is molded onto the sidewall.
Maximum Load Rating: The load rat-
ing for a tire at the maximum permis-
sible inflation pressure for that tire.
Maximum Loaded  Vehicle Weight:
The  sum of  curb  weight; accessory
weight; vehicle  capacity weight;  and
production options weight.
Occupant Distribution:   Designated
seating positions.
Rim: A  metal  support for  a tire  and
upon which the tire beads are seated.
Sidewall:  The  portion of  a  tire  be-
tween the tread and the bead.
Speed Rating: An alphanumeric code
assigned to a tire indicating the maxi-
mum speed at which a  tire can oper-
Traction: The friction between the tire
and the road surface.  The amount of
grip provided.
Tread: The portion of a tire that comes
into contact with the road.
Treadwear Indicators: Narrow bands,
sometimes  called  "wear  bars,"  that
show across the tread  of a tire when
only 2/32 inch of tread remains.
UTQGS: Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standards, a  tire information system
that provides consumers with  ratings
for a  tire's traction,  temperature and
treadwear. Ratings are determined by
tire manufacturers using government
testing  procedures.  The ratings  are
molded into the sidewall of  the tire.
Outward Facing Sidewall: The side
of a asymmetrical tire that has  a par-
ticular side  that faces outward  when
mounted on a vehicle. The side of the
tire  that contains  a whitewall,  bears
white lettering or bears manufacturer,
brand and or model name molding that
is  higher  or  deeper than  the  same
moldings on the other sidewall  of the
Passenger (P-Metric) Tire: A tire used
on passenger cars and some light duty
trucks and multipurpose vehicles.
Recommended Inflation  Pressure:
Vehicle manufacturer's recommended
tire inflation  pressure and  shown on
the tire placard.
Radial Ply  tire:  A pneumatic  tire in
which the ply cords that extend to the
beads are  laid at  90 degrees  to the
centerline of the tread.
Normal Occupant Weight: The num-
ber of occupants a vehicle is designed
to seat multiplied  by 150 pounds (68
Product Specification
Categories Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Accent Manuals
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- 282 pages
Document TypeOwners Manual
Product BrandHyundai, Accent
Document File TypePDF
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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