so s emergency assistance
enhanced roadside assistance
inthe event of anemergency, you canrequest emergency assistance 24/7, 365
daysayear, by pressingthe dedicated so s buttoninyourvehicle.
enhanced roadside assistance worksinconjunctionwith yourHyundai
assurance roadside assistance coverage and enhancesyourcoverage by
transmittingyourvehicle informationand locationto aspecially trained
response centerforquicker, more efficient assistance.
rearview mirrorin
standard rearview mirror
–equipped models
rearview mirrorin
standard rearview mirror
–equipped models
Usingso s emergency assistance
Usingenhanced roadside assistance
Pressthe dedicated so s button.
Customerscanpressthe Blue link buttonand say “roadside assistance”
to speak to anagent forroadside assistance.
a trained Blue link operatorwillcome onthe line and ask about the
nature of the emergency and thendispatch the appropriate emergency
assistance to the scene.
• a trained Blue link operatorwillcome onthe line and ask about
the nature of the situation, thendispatch the appropriate roadside
assistance to the scene.
if you are unable to answer, the operatorwilladvise you that emergency
assistance hasbeennotified and isonthe way.
With Blue link, the operatormay be able to inform roadside assistance
of yourexact location.
t he operatorwillremainonthe line untilhelp arrives.
emergency Contactscanbe notified automatically viatext messaging
oremail. additionally, CallCenteragent cancontact your
emergency Contact, if requested. (emergency contactscanbe set on
t he so s buttoncanalso be used forenhanced roadside assistance.
Watch & learnmore
about Hyundai Blue
link enhanced roadside
Watch & learnmore
about Hyundai Blue link
emergency assistance
Please note: t he enhanced roadside assistance feature issubject to adequate cellular
coverage, signalstrength, and battery power, and only available inthe 50 United states.
you must be anactive Blue link subscriberorwithinthe initialfree trialperiod to receive
Blue link services, includingenhanced roadside assistance services.
Please note: t he so s emergency assistance feature issubject to adequate cellular
coverage, signalstrength, and battery power, and only available inthe 50 United states.
you must be anactive Blue link subscriberorwithinthe initialfree trialperiod to receive
Blue link services, includingso s emergency assistance services.
15 i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual i 16
Categories | Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals |
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Document Type | Audio Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Hyundai, Santa Fe |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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