BlUe linK Co nneCt ed Care PaCKage
in-vehicle Wi-Fi
automatic Collisionnotificationand assistance
inthe event anaccident occursand anairbagdeploys, anautomatic
Collisionnotificationsignalwillbe automatically transmitted to the Blue link
CustomerCare Center.
With Blue link, you canconnect yourvehicle to anavailable Wi-Fi network at
home, yourlocaldealership orwhere available.
asmore in-vehicle appsbecome available, you canuse Wi-Fi to download
and/orupgrade appsat fasterspeeds.
• Uponreceipt of anautomatic Collisionnotification, atrained Blue link
response operatorwillattempt to establish voice communicationwith
the vehicle occupantsand dispatch appropriate services.
if you are unable to answer, the operatorwilladvise you that
emergency assistance hasbeennotified and isonthe way.
t he operatorwillremainonthe line untilhelp arrives.
Wi-Fi logo isaregistertrademark of the Wi-Fi alliance.
emergency Contactscanbe notified automatically viatext messaging
oremail. additionally, the CallCenteragent cancontact your
emergency Contact, if requested. (emergency contactscanbe set on
Please note: t he automatic Collisionnotificationfeature issubject to
adequate cellularcoverage, signalstrength, and battery power, and
only available inthe 50 United states. you must be anactive Blue link
subscriberorwithinthe initialfree trialperiod to receive Blue link services,
includingautomatic Collisionnotificationservices.
13 i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual i 14
Categories | Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals |
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Document Type | Audio Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Hyundai, Santa Fe |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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