2017 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport Audio And Navigation System

aCCessing  BlUe linK Feat Ures
smart Phone Mobile application
you candownload the Blue link Mobile appsonyour  smart phone from the
genesisintelligent assistant app
(available for2015 genesissedanonly)
Whenyou first launch the app, you willbe
prompted to loginwith  your
www.MyHyundai.com id and password.
iPhone® — apple® app store
android                             Play
t M — googlet M
afterloggingin, tap onthe  Blue link icononthe
bottom of the screenforquick accessto  remote
start and otherfeatures.
Blue link app
assistant app
you willbe required to input yourBlue link
identificationnumber(Pin). (see  page 5 of this
manualforPin instructions.)
Please note:
remote start with Climate Controlisonly  available forPush Button
start-equipped vehicleswith anautomatic  transmissionordualClutch
transmission(dCt   ) and Fully automatic temperature Control.
you willalso be prompted to connect yourcalendar, and otheraccounts
to enable the intelligent assistant to send you usefulnotificationsbased
see page 22 of thismanualforadditionalinformationabout  remote
start with Climate Control.
you canalwaysaccessthe   setup tutorialinthe app support sectionfound
inthe app Menu.
t he app willdisplay apop up window givingusersthe  optionto  open
ordownload the appropiate smartphone app based ontheirvehicle
search “Hyundai Blue link”to quickly find allBlue link related mobile
appsongooglet   M Play orthe app store.
app imagesare subject to change  without notice.
i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual  i  10
Product Specification
Categories Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals
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- 19 pages
Document TypeAudio Manual
Product BrandHyundai, Santa Fe
Document File TypePDF
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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