veHiCle saFegUard alert s*
First, download the vehicle safeguard alertsapp to yourvehicle.
t henlogonto to activate the featuresand start
speed alert
idealforparentsof youngerdrivers, thisfeature allowsyou to pre-set aspeed
limit foryourHyundai vehicle. should the speed limit be exceeded, you will
be notified in-vehicle and viayourchoice of text messagingoremail.
valet alert
Wheneveryou leave yourHyundai vehicle with avalet and it travelsfarther
thanyourpre-selected distance boundary afteractivation, you willbe
notified in-vehicle and viayourchoice of text message oremail.
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first logonto
select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle
select speed alert
turnonspeed alert and set aspeed limit
o nce activated, you willautomatically receive analert should your
vehicle exceed the pre-designated speed limits.
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first logonto
select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle
select geo-Fence & valet alert
select the valet tab
Please note: notificationsare subject to adequate cellularcoverage
and signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
turnonvalet alert and set adistance boundary
Curfew alert
t hisfeature allowsyou to pre-set acceptable time intervalsforwhenyour
Hyundai vehicle canand cannot be driven. should these be exceeded, you
willbe notified in-vechieland viayourchoice of text messagingoremail.
o nce activated, you willautomatically receive analert should yourvehicle
travelfartherthanyourpre-selected distance boundary from the point of
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first logonto
select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle
select Curfew alert
Please note: Hyundai Blue link servicesare subject to adequate cellular
coverage and signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
t hisfeature allowsyou to designate the boundariesof areasinwhich
yourvehicle may and may not be driven. should the vehicle crossthese
boundaries, you willbe notified in-vehicle and viayourchoice of text
turnonCurfew alert and set Curfew daysand times
o nce activated, you willautomatically receive analert should the
curfew limitsbe exceeded.
Please note: notificationsare subject to adequate cellularcoverage
and signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
inorderto activate thisfeature, you must first logonto
select the Blue link logo foryourapplicable vehicle
select geo-Fence & valet alert
turnongeo-Fence and set drivingboundaries
o nce activated, you willautomatically receive analert should your
vehicle crossthe boundariesof yourdesignated areas.
Please note: notificationsare subject to adequate cellularcoverage
and signalstrength, and only available inthe 50 United states.
*delayed availability, not available onallModels.
9 i BluelinkUser’sManual
Blue link User’s Manual i 30
Categories | Hyundai Manuals, Hyundai Santa Fe Manuals |
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Document Type | Audio Manual |
Language | English |
Product Brand | Hyundai, Santa Fe |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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