2006 Chrysler Sebring Sedan Owners Manual

Example:  If garage   tem peratu re =  68° F (20° C)  and  the
outsid e  tem peratu re  =  32° F  (0°  C)  then  the  cold   tire
inflation  pressu re  shou ld be  increased  by  3 psi (21  kPa),
which  equ als 1 psi  (7 kPa) for  every  12° F (7° C) for  this
outsid e tem peratu re  cond ition.
After inspecting or adjusting the tire pressure, al-
will prevent moisture and dirt from entering the
Tire pressu re  may increase  from  2 to  6 psi (13 to  40 kPa)
during  operation.   DO  NOT  red uce this  norm al pressu re
build  up  or you r tire  pressu re  will be  too low.
Inflation   pressu res  specified  on  the  placard   are  alw ays
“cold  tire inflation  pressu re”.  Cold  tire inflation  pressu re
is defined   as  the  tire  pressu re  after  the  vehicle  has  not
been driven  for  at least 3 hou rs, or driven  less than  1 mile
km)  after   a  3  hou r  period .  The  cold   tire  inflation
pressu re  must  not  exceed  the  maxim um  inflation   pres-
sure  molded  into  the  tire side  wall.
The   manu factu rer   advocates   driving    at   safe   speed s
within  posted  speed  limits.  Where  speed  limits  or cond i-
tions  are   such  that   the  vehicle  can   be  driven   at  high
speed s, maintaining   correct  tire inflation  pressu re  is very
important.   Increased   tire  pressu re  and  red uced  vehicle
load ing  may  be requ ired  for  high  speed   vehicle  opera-
tion.  Refer  to  original  equ ipment   or  an  authorized   tire
dealer  for  recom mend ed safe  operating   speed s, load ing
and  cold  tire inflation  pressu  res.
Check tire  pressu res more  often if subject  to a wide  range
of  outdoor    tem peratu res,  as  tire   pressu res  vary   with
tem peratu re changes.
Tire pressu res  change  by approxim ately  1 psi  (7 kPa) per
F (7° C) of air tem peratu re change.  Keep  this in  mind
when  checking  tire pressu re insid e a garage,  especially  in
the  winter.
Product Specification
CategoriesChrysler Manuals, Chrysler Sebring Manuals
Model Year2006
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2006 Chrysler Sebring Sedan Owners Manual SKU UPC Model
GEORGE TILLER on Feb 11, 2015.

I have bought a 2006 Chrysler sabering ,with no owners manual and need find out if one is able to be download.