2002 Land Rover Range Rover Handbook Manual

On-road driving
Drive defensively. Be aware of traffic,
road and weather conditions. Avoid risk
taking behaviour such as following too
close, rapid lane  changing or abrupt
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher
roll-over rate than other types of vehicles.
Since these vehicles  are designed to be
operated off-road, these  vehicles have a
higher ground clearance and hence  a higher
centre of gravity. Such a feature has been
associated  with an increased risk of vehicle
roll-over. An advantage associated  with
higher ground clearance vehicles  is a better
view of the road, allowing the driver to
anticipate problems.  Another factor shown
to significantly increase roll-over risk is
unauthorised vehicle modifications such as
fitting incorrect specification tyres, oversize
tyres, body lifting, incorrect
Assume that pedestrians  or other drivers
are going to make mistakes. Anticipate
what they might do. Be ready for their
Avoid distractions such as cellular phone
calling, reading,  eating, drinking or
reaching for items on the floor.
Before changing lanes,  check your
mirrors and flash your turn signal lights.
Always leave room for unexpected
events such as sudden  braking.
springs/dampers,  incorrect vehicle
loading/trailer towing.
Never operate your vehicle when you
have consumed alcohol, are  sleepy or
fatigued or have taken any medications
that affect judgement, reflexes or
However, on-road crash data also  indicates
that driver behaviour is a greater factor than
a high centre of gravity in determining a
vehicles overall roll-over rate. The single
most effective driver behaviour that can
reduce the risk of injury or death in all
crashes including roll-over, is to always
wear your seat belt and to properly restrain
all child passengers  in an appropriate child
safety seat.  In a roll-over crash, an unbelted
person is significantly more likely to die
than a person wearing a seat  belt.
Many vehicle roll-overs occur when a
driver attempts to bring a vehicle back
onto the road after some or all of the
wheels drift onto the shoulder of the
road, especially  when the shoulder is
unpaved. If you find yourself in such a
situation, do not initiate any sharp or
abrupt steering and/or braking
manoeuvres to re-enter the  roadway.
Instead, let the vehicle slow down as
much as safely possible before
attempting to re-enter the roadway and
keep your wheels as straight as  possible
whilst re-entering the roadway.
Other measures that  can reduce the risk of
injury and death from vehicle crashes and
roll-over are:
Limit speed. Posted  speed limits must
never be exceeded and you should
always drive below these limits
whenever traffic, weather, roadway or
other conditions dictate. Always use  your
common sense and good judgement.
Take curves at reasonable  speeds.
Product Specification
CategoriesRange Rover
Model Year2002
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- 232 pages
Product NameRange Rover
Product BrandLand Rover
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's Pagehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rover
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