2002 Land Rover Range Rover Handbook Manual

Off-road driving
Unless it is necessary to stop the vehicle
in order to negotiate obstructions, DONOT
apply the brake pedal during the descent.
If the vehicle begins to slide, accelerate
slightlyto allow the tyres to regain grip.
When the vehicle is back on levelground or
traction can be regained, a faster approach
will probablyenable the hill to be climbed.
However, DONOTtake unnecessary risks, if
the hill is too difficult to climb, find an
alternative route.
ALWAYS follow the line of the slope; travelling
diagonallycould encourage the vehicle to slide
broadside down the slope.
Steep climbs will usuallyrequire the LOWgear
range. If the surface is loose or slippery, use
sufficient speed in the highest practicalgear
to take advantage of the vehicles momentum.
However, too high a speed over a bumpy
surface may result in a wheel lifting, causing
the vehicle to lose traction. In this case try a
slower approach. Traction can also be
The engine must be restarted  before
reversing down the slope as there  will be no
braking effect from the gearbox unless the
engine is running.
improved by easing off the accelerator just
before loss of forward motion.
If the vehicle is unable to complete a climb, do
not attempt to turn it around whilst on the
slope. Instead, adopt the following procedure
to reverse downhill to the foot of the slope.
Hold the vehicle stationaryusing both foot
and parking brakes.
Restart the engine if necessary.
Engage LOWrange reverse gear.
Release the parking brake. Then release
the foot brake and allow the vehicle to
reverse down the slope using engine
braking to control the rate of descent.
Product Specification
CategoriesRange Rover
Model Year2002
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- 232 pages
Product NameRange Rover
Product BrandLand Rover
Document File TypePDF
Wikipedia's Pagehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_Rover
CopyrightAttribution Non-commercial
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