R-134a Air Cond itioning Refrigerant is a hyd roflu orocar-
bon (HFC) that is end orsed by the Environm ental Pro-
tection Agency and is an ozone-saving prod uct. How-
ever, the manu factu rer recom mend s that air cond itioning
service be perform ed by dealers or other service facilities
using recovery and recycling equ ipment.
with the engine off to prevent injury from moving
not overfill. Use only manufacturers recommended
Use only manu factu rer approved A/ C System
Sealers, Stop Leak Prod ucts, Seal Cond itioners, Com pres-
sor Oil, or Refrigerants.
If necessary, add fluid to restore to the prop er ind icated
level. With a clean cloth, wipe any spilled fluid from all
surfaces. Refer to Recom mend ed Fluids, Lubricants, and
Genu ine Parts for correct fluid typ es.
Checking the power steering fluid level at a defined
service interval is not requ ired . The fluid shou ld only be
checked if a leak is suspected , abnorm al noises are
apparent, and / or the system is not functioning as antici-
pated . Coord inate insp ection efforts throu gh a certified
Daim lerChrysler Dealership .Љ
There are two front suspension lower ball joints that are
perm anently lubricated . Insp ect these ball joints when-
ever und er vehicle service is done. Dam aged seals and
their corresp ond ing potentially damaged ball joints must
be rep laced .
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler PT Cruiser Manuals |
Model Year | 2005 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Owmers manual did not come with the car I purchased