Event Data Recorder (EDR)
used by Daim lerChrysler Corp oration and others to learn
more abou t the possible causes of crashes and associated
injuries in ord er to assess and improve vehicle perfor-
mance. In addition to crash investigations initiated by
Daim lerChrysler Corp oration, such investigations may
be requ ested by custom ers, insu rance carriers, govern-
ment officials, and professional crash researchers, such as
those associated with universities, and with hosp ital and
insu rance organizations.
In the event of an accident, you r vehicle is designed to
record up to 5 second s of specific vehicle data param eters
(see the follow ing list) in an event data record er prior to
the moment of airbag deploym ent, or near deploym ent,
and up to a quarter second of high-sp eed deceleration
data during and / or after airbag deploym ent. EDR data
are ONLY record ed if an airbag deploys, or nearly
deploys, and are otherw ise unavailable.
In the event that an investigation is und ertaken by
Daim lerChrysler Corp oration (regard less of initiative),
the company or its designated rep resentative will first
obtain perm ission of the approp riate custod ial entity for
the vehicle (usually the vehicle owner or lessee) before
accessing the electronic data stored , unless ord ered to
download data by a court with legal jurisd iction (i.e.,
pursu ant to a warrant). A copy of the data will be
provid ed to the custod ial entity upon requ est. General
data that does not identify particu lar vehicles or crashes
A near-d eploym ent event occurs when the airbag
sensor detects severe vehicle deceleration usually ind ica-
tive of a crash, but not severe enou gh to warrant airbag
deploym ent.
Und er certain circumstances, EDR data may not be
record ed (e.g., loss of battery power).
In conju nction with other data gathered during a com-
plete accident investigation, the electronic data may be
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler 300 Manuals, Chrysler Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
I have mobile mechanic and my window wouldn't roll up. The fuses weren't labeled so I downloaded the Manuel and "boom" there we have it. No driving to 16 places looking. Lovviinng it!