If either of the two hyd rau lic system s lose norm al capa-
bility, the rem aining system will still function with som e
loss of overall braking effectiveness. This will be evid ent
by increased pedal travel during application and greater
pedal force requ ired to slow or stop . In addition, if the
malfunction is caused by an internal leak, as the brake
fluid in the master cylind er drop s, the brake warning
ind icator will light.
Your vehicle is equ ipped with power assisted brakes as
stand ard equ ipment. In the event power assist is lost for
any reason (for exam ple, rep eated brake applications
with the engine off), the brakes will still function. How-
ever, the effort requ ired to brake the vehicle will be much
greater than that requ ired with the power system oper-
Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) — If Equipped
The ABS gives increased vehicle stability and brake
perform ance und er most braking cond itions. The system
autom atically “pumps” the brakes during severe braking
cond itions to prevent wheel lock up.
Rid ing the brak es can lead to brak e failu re and
possib ly an accid ent. Drivin g with you r foot restin g
or rid ing on the brak e pedal can resu lt in abnorm ally
high brak e tem peratu res, excessive lin ing wear, and
possib le brak e damage. You wouldn’t have you r full
brak ing capacity in an emergen cy.
All vehicle wheels and tires must be the sam e size and
tires must be prop erly inflated to prod uce accurate
signals for the computer. However, the system will
compensate when the compact spare is in use.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler PT Cruiser Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |