If you would like to connect or disconnect the Blue-
tooth™ connection betw een a paired cellular phone and
the UConnect™ system , follow the instru ction described
in you r cellular phone user’s manu al.
UConnect™ system . To select a phone from the list,
press the ’Voice Recognition’ button and say ЉSelectЉ.
The lower priority phone will only be used for the next
phone call. After that, the UConnect™ system will
retuvehicle.rn to using the highest priority phone in the 3
List Paired Cellu lar Phone Names
Press the ’Phone’ button to begin.
UConnect™ System Features
After the ЉRead yЉ prom pt, say ЉSetup List PhonesЉ and
the UConnect™ system will play the phone nam es of
all paired cellular phones in ord er from highest prior-
ity to lowest priority.
Barge In - Touch Tone Phone Inputs
You can use you r UConnect™ system to access a voice
mail system , an autom ated service, or any other phone
nu mber that you can dial with any phone. When calling
a nu mber with you r UConnect™ system that norm ally
requ ires you to enter in a tou ch-tone sequ ence on you r
cellular phone keyp ad, you can push the ’Voice Recogni-
tion’ button and say the sequ ence you wish to enter
follow ed byЉSendЉ. For exam ple, if requ ired to enter you r
pin nu mber, you can press the ’Voice Recognition’ button
and say Љ3 7 4 6 SendЉ, or whatever you have made you r
Select a Lower Priority Paired Cellu lar Phone
Press the ’Phone’ button to begin.
After the ЉRead yЉ prom pt, say ЉSetup Select PhoneЉ.
When prom pted , say the phone nam e of the cellular
phone you wish to use, or say ЉList PhonesЉ to hear a
list of all the phones that have been paired to you r
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler PT Cruiser Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |