ERM (Electronic Roll Mitigation)
This system anticip ates the potential for wheel lift by
monitoring the driver ’s steering wheel inp ut and the
speed of the vehicle. When ERM determ ines that the rate
of change of the steering wheel angle and vehicles speed
are sufficient to potentially cause wheel lift, it applies the
approp riate brake and may red uce engine power to
lessen the chance that wheel lift will occur. ERM will only
intervene during very severe or evasive driving maneu -
BAS (Brak e Assist System ) cannot preven t the natu -
ral law s of physics from actin g on the veh icle, nor can
it increase the traction afford ed by prevailin g road
condition s. BAS cannot preven t accid ents, including
those resu ltin g from excessive speed in turns, drivin g
on very slip pery surfaces, or hydrop lan ing. Only a
safe, atten tive, and skillfu l driver can preven t acci-
dents. The capabilities of a BAS-eq uipped veh icle
must never be exploited in a reck less or dangerou s
manner which could jeop ard ize the user’s safety or
the safety of oth ers.
ERM can only red uce the chance of wheel lift occurring
during severe or evasive driving maneu vers. It cannot
prevent wheel lift due to other factors such as road
cond itions, leaving the road way or striking objects or
other vehicles.
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Manuals, Jeep Wrangler Manuals |
Model Year | 2007 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |