NOTE: Some gate operators and garage door openers
may requ ire you to rep lace this Program ming Step 3 with
proced ures noted in the ЉGate Operator/ Canad ian Pro-
gram mingЉ section.
If the ind icator light blinks rap idly for two secon ds and
then turns to a constan t ligh t contin ue with
Program -ming
step s 6-8 to complete the program ming of a rollingcode equ ipped device (most commonly a garage door
The HomeLink ind icator light will flash slow ly and
then rap idly after HomeLink successfu lly receives the
frequ ency signal from the hand -held transm itter. Release
both buttons after the ind icator light changes from the
slow to the rap id flash.
6. At the garage door opener receiver (motor-head unit)
in the garage, locate the ЉlearnЉ or ЉsmartЉ button. This
can usually be found where the hanging antenna wire is
attached to the motor-head unit.
Press and hold the just trained HomeLink button and
7. Firmly press and release the ЉlearnЉ or ЉsmartЉ button.
(The nam e and color of the button may vary by manu -
factu rer.)
observe the ind icator light. If the ind icator light stays on
constan tly, program ming is complete and you r device
shou ld activate when the HomeLink button is pressed
and released .
NOTE: There are 30 second s in which to initiate step
NOTE: To program the rem aining two HomeLink but-
tons, begin with ЉProgram mingЉ step two. Do not rep eat
step one.
secon ds and release the program med HomeLink button.
Repeat the
press/h old /release ؆
sequ ence a second time,Retu rn to the vehicle and firm ly press, hold for two
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |