position are fused with self resetting fuses that are only
serviceable by an authorized dealer. The power seats are
fused by a 30 Amp circuit breaker located und er the
driver’s seat. The Pow er Wind ows are fused by a 25 Amp
circuit breaker located und er the instru ment panel near
the steering column. If you experience tem porary or
perm anent loss of these system s see you r authorized
dealer for service.
When installin g the Integrated Pow er Module
cover, it is importan t to ensure the cover is prop -
erly position ed and fully latch ed. Failu re to do so
may allow water to get into the Integrated Pow er
Module, and possib ly resu lt in a electrical system
failu re.
When rep lacin g a blow n fuse, it is importan t to
use only a fuse havin g the correct amperage
ratin g. The use of a fuse with a ratin g oth er than
indicated may resu lt in a dangerou s electrical
system overload . If a prop erly rated fuse contin -
ues to blow, it indicates a prob lem in the circu it
that must be corrected .
If you are leaving you r vehicle dorm ant for more than 21
days you may want to take step s to protect you r battery.
You may:
Remove the 20 Amp mini fuse in the Integrated Pow er
Mod ule labeled Ignition-Off Draw (IOD).
Or, disconnect the negative cable from the battery.
The Heated Mirrors, Lower Instru ment Panel Pow er
Outlet and Removable Floor Console, when in the front
Anytim e you store you r vehicle, or keep it out of
service (i.e. vacation) for two weeks or more, run the
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |