Insu re nylon tubing in these areas has not melted or
collap sed .
Rid ing the brak es can lead to brak e failu re and
possib ly an accid ent. Drivin g with you r foot restin g
or rid ing on the brak e pedal can resu lt in abnorm ally
high brak e tem peratu res, excessive lin ing wear, and
possib le brak e damage. You wouldn’t have you r full
brak ing capacity in an emergen cy.
Insp ect all hose connections such as clamps and cou-
plings to make sure they are secure and no leaks are
NOTE: Often, fluid such as oil, power steering fluid,
and brake fluid are used during assem bly plant opera-
tions to facilitate the assem bly of hoses to couplings.
Therefore, oil wetness at the hose-cou pling area is not
necessarily an ind ication of leakage. Actu al dripping of
hot fluid when system s are und er pressu re (during
vehicle operation), shou ld be noted before hose is re-
placed based on leakage.
Brak e And Pow er Steerin g Hoses
When the vehicle is serviced for sched uled maintenance,
insp ect surface of hoses and nylon tubing for evid ence of
heat and mechanical damage. Hard and brittle rubber,
cracking, tears, cuts, abrasion, and excessive swelling
ind icate deterioration of the rubber. Particu lar attention
shou ld be made to exam ining those hose surfaces nearest
to high heat sou rces, such as the exhau st manifold .
NOTE: Insp ection of brake hoses shou ld be perform ed
whenever the brake system is serviced and every engine
oil change. Insp ect hyd rau lic brake hoses for surface
cracking, scuffing, or worn spots. If there is any evid ence
of cracking, scuffing, or worn spots, the hose shou ld be
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |