Child ren 12 years and und er shou ld rid e prop erly buck-
led up in a rear seat, if available. Accord ing to crash
statistics, child ren are safer when prop erly restrained in
the rear seats rather than in the front.
• ingTheurearwp to abouard -facingt 20 lbsinfant(9 kg),carrierand oneis foryearbabiesold orwmeigh-ore.
The infant restraint must NEVER be used in the front
seat of a vehicle with a front passenger airbag unless
the airbag is turned off. An airbag deploym ent could
cause severe injury or death to infants in this position.
The infant carrier is held in the vehicle by the lap belt,
lap/ shou lder belt, or the LATCH child restraint an-
chorage system .
In a collision , an unrestrain ed child , even a tin y
baby, can becom e a missile insid e the veh icle. The
force req uired to hold even an infan t on you r lap can
becom e so great that you could not hold the child , no
matter how stron g you are. The child and oth ers
could be badly injured . Any child rid ing in you r
veh icle should be in a prop er restrain t for the child ’s
Child ren und er one year of age shou ld continu e to rid e
in a rear-facing infant seat, even if they weigh more
than 20 lbs (9 kg). A “convertible” child seat, one that
is designed to be used either rearw ard -facing or
forw ard -facing, shou ld be used for child ren who are
too heavy for the infant carrier, but who are too you ng
to face forw ard in the vehicle.
Infan ts and Small Child ren
The forw ard -facing child seat is for child ren from
abou t 20–40 lbs (9–18 kg), and more than one year old.
The child seat is held in the vehicle by the lap belt,
lap/ shou lder belt, or the LATCH child restraint an-
chorage system .
There are different sizes and typ es of restraints for
child ren from new born size to the child almost large
enou gh for an adult safety belt. Alw ays check the child
seat owner’s manu al to ensu re that you have the right
seat for you r child . Use the restraint that is correct for
you r child .
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Manuals, Jeep Wrangler Manuals |
Model Year | 2004 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |