Win dow Foggin g
Summer Operation
Vehicle side wind ows tend to fog on the insid e in mild
rainy or hu mid weather. To clear the wind ows, use the
A/ C, PANEL and blow er controls. Direct the panel
outlets tow ard the side wind ows. Do not use recircu late
withou t A/ C for long period s as fogging may occur.
Vehicles must be protected with a high-qu ality antifreeze
coolant to provid e prop er corrosion protection and to
raise the boiling point of the coolant for protection
against overheating. A 50% concentration is recom -
mend ed.
Interior fogging on the wind shield can be quickly re-
moved by using the defrost position.
Outsid e Air Intak e
When operating the system , make sure the air intake,
directly in front of the wind shield , is free of ice, slush,
snow or other obstru ctions such as leaves. Leaves col-
lected in the air-intake plenu m may red uce air flow and
plug the plenu m water drains.
If the fogging problem persists, clean the insid e wind ow
surfaces. The cause of und ue fogging may be dirt collect-
ing on the insid e surface of the glass
NOTE: In cold weather, the use of the recircu late
position will cause wind ows to fog on the insid e becau se
of moistu re build up insid e the vehicle. For maxim um
defogging, use the Outsid e Air position.
The blow er air will heat faster in cold weather if you use
only a low blow er speed for the first few minu tes of
vehicle operation.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler PT Cruiser Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Just got the car don't have one I have a 2008 wagon
which fuse is for the battery