When boosting from a battery in another vehicle, park
that vehicle within booster cable reach but withou t
letting the vehicles tou ch. Set parking brake, place auto-
matic transaxle in PARK (manu al transaxle in NEU-
TRAL) and turn ignition to OFF for both vehicles.
Do not attem pt to push or tow you r veh icle to get it
started . Vehicles equipped with an autom atic tran s-
axle cannot be started this way. Unburned fuel could
enter the catalytic converter and once the engin e has
started , ign ite and damage the converter and veh icle.
If the veh icle has a disch arged battery, booster cables
may be used to obtain a start from anoth er veh icle.
This typ e of start can be dangerou s if done improp -
erly, so follow this proced ure carefu lly.
load s.
Turn off the heater, rad io and all unnecessary electrical
Connect one end of a jumper cable to the positive
term inal of the booster battery. Connect the other end of
the jumper cable to the positive term inal of the dis-
charged battery.
Wear eye protection and rem ove any metal jewelry
such as watch band s or bracelets that might make an
inad vertent electrical contact.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler PT Cruiser Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Just got the car don't have one I have a 2008 wagon
which fuse is for the battery