five rocking-m otion cycles. This will minim ize overheat-
ing and red uce the risk of transm ission failu re during
prolonged efforts to free a stu ck vehicle.
percent of engine torqu e to the front axle and 52 percent
of engine torqu e to the rear axle. The Brake Traction
Control System (BTC), which combines stand ard ABS
and Traction Control, provid es resistance to any wheel
that is slipping to allow additional torqu e transfer to
wheels with traction.
When “rock ing” a stu ck veh icle by movin g betw een
“First” and R (Reverse), do not spin the wheels faster
than 15 mph (24 km/h), or drivetrain damage may
resu lt.
NOTE: The Quadra-Trac I system is not approp riate
for cond itions where LOW range is recom mend ed. Refer
to “Off-Road Driving Tips” in this section.
Quadra-Trac IIா Operating
Instructions/Precautions — If Equipped
The Quadra-Trac II transfer case is fully autom atic in the
norm al driving 4 HI mode. The Quadra-Trac II transfer
case provid es three mode positions — four wheel drive
high range, neu tral, and four wheel drive low range.
Quadra-Trac Iா Operating
Instructions/Precautions — If Equipped
The Quadra-Trac I is a single speed (HI range only)
which provid es
heel drive. No driver interaction is requ ired . This
transfer case divid es engine torqu e almost evenly with 48
convenient full-tim e
This transfer case is fully autom atic in the 4 HI mode.
This transfer case divid es engine torqu e almost evenly
with 48 percent of engine torqu e to the front axle and 52
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Grand Cherokee Manuals, Jeep Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |