Do not use a tire, wheel size or ratin g oth er th an
th at sp ecified for you r veh icle. Som e com bin a-
tion s of unap proved tires an d wheels may chan ge
su sp en sion dim en sion s an d perform an ce charac-
teristics, resu ltin g in chan ges to steerin g, han -
dlin g, an d brak in g of you r veh icle. Th is can cau se
unpred ictab le han dlin g an d stress to steerin g an d
su sp en sion com pon en ts. You cou ld lose con trol
an d have an accid en t resu ltin g in seriou s in ju ry
or death . Use on ly th e tire an d wheel sizes with
load ratin gs ap proved for you r veh icle.
Rep lacin g origin al tires with tires of a differen t size
may resu lt in false speed ometer and odometer
read ings.
Alignment and Balance
Poor suspension alignm ent may resu lt in:
• Fast tire wear.
Uneven tire wear, such as feathering and one-sid ed
Never use a tire with a sm aller load in dex or
cap acity, oth er th an what was origin ally eq uip ped
on you r veh icle. Usin g a tire with a sm aller load
in dex cou ld resu lt in tire overload in g an d failu re.
You cou ld lose con trol an d have an accid en t.
Vehicle pull to right or left.
Tires may also cause the vehicle to pull left or right.
Alignm ent will not correct this problem . See you r autho-
rized dealer for prop er diagnosis.
Failu re to eq uip you r veh icle with tires havin g
ad eq uate sp eed cap ab ility can resu lt in su dden
tire failu re an d loss of veh icle con trol.
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Grand Cherokee Manuals, Jeep Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |