Retu rn to the vehicle and press the program med
Canadian Programming/Gate Programming
HomeLink button twice (hold ing the button for 2 sec-
ond s each time). If the device is plugged in and activates,
program ming is complete.
Canad ian rad io-frequ ency law s requ ire transm itter sig-
nals to Љtime-ou tЉ (or quit) after several second s of
transm ission which may not be long enou gh
HomeLink to pick up the signal during program ming.
Similar to this Canad ian law, som e U.S. gate operators are
designed to Љtime-ou tЉ in the sam e manner.
If the device does not activate, press the button a third
time (for 2 second s) to complete the training.
NOTE: If you are have any problem s, or requ ire assis-
tance, please call toll-free 1–800–355–3515 or, on the
Internet at www.HomeLink.com for inform ation or assis-
It may be help ful to unp lug the device during the cycling
process to prevent possible overheating of the garage
door or gate motor.
If you are having difficulties program ming a garage door
opener or a gate operator, rep lace “Program ming
HomeLink” Step 3 with the follow ing:
To program the rem aining two HomeLink buttons,
rep eat each step for each rem aining button. DO NOT
Con tin ue to press and hold the HomeLin k button
while you press and release - every two secon ds
you r hand-held tran smitter until HomeLin k
has successfu lly accep ted the freq uency sign al. The red
HomeLin k indicator will change from a slow to rap id
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Pacifica Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |