Drivers must be carefu l when back ing up even when
usin g the Rear Park Sen se System . Alw ays check
carefu lly beh ind you r veh icle, an d be sure to check
for ped estrian s, an im als, oth er veh icles, ob stru ction s,
or blin d spots before back ing up. You are resp on -
sib le for the safety of you r surrou ndings an d must
con tin ue to pay atten tion while back ing up. Failu re
to do so can resu lt in seriou s injury or death .
• SystemTo avoidshouvehldicleonlydambeageusedthase aRearparkParking aidSenansed
is unable to recogn ize every obstacle, including
small objects. Park ing curbs migh t be tem porarily
detected or not detected at all. Obstacles located
above or below the sen sors will not be detected
when they are in close proxim ity to the rear of the
veh icle.
Before usin g the Rear Park Sen se System , it is
stron gly recom men ded that the ball mou nt an d hitch
ball assem bly be discon nected from the veh icle
when the veh icle is not used for tow ing. Failu re to do
so can resu lt in injury or dam age to veh icles or
ob stacles becau se the hitch ball will be much closer
to the ob stacle than the rear fascia when the warn ing
disp lay turns the red LEDs ON. Also, the sen sors
cou ld detect the ball mou nt an d hitch ball assem bly,
dep en ding on its size an d shap e, givin g a false
indication that an ob stacle is beh ind the veh icle.
To avoid veh icle damage the veh icle must be
driven slow ly when usin g the Rear Park Sen se
System to be able to stop in tim e when an obstacle
is detected . It is recom mended that the driver look
over his/h er shoulder when usin g the Rear Park
Sen se System .
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Pacifica Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |