front passenger airbag is allow ed. If a fault is present,
the AIRBAG warning light is illuminated .
the resu ltant blad der pressu re increase due to applied
lap belt tension does not cause a small occupant to be
classified as a larger occupant.
The Passen ger Airb ag Disab led (PAD) Indicator
Ligh t — If Equipped ind icates to the driver and
passenger when the airbag is turned OFF in the
presence of a prop erly seated occupant. When the PAD
ind icator light is illuminated , the airbag is OFF. Also,
when the Occupant Classification System (OCS) de-
tects either an empty seat of a weight less than the
pred eterm ined occupant threshold , the ORC will not
illuminate the PAD ind icator light even thou gh the
airbag is turned off. When the OCS detects an adult
the PAD ind icator light will be off, and the airbag will
be enabled .
• ThebeneathBladthederseatAssemcushionbly —foamIf .EqTheuipppressued isre locatedsensor
send s a signal to the OCM.
The front passenger seat assem bly contains critical com-
ponents that affect the front passenger airbag deploy-
ment. Correctly functioning front passenger seat compo-
nents are critical for the Occupant Classification System
(OCS) to prop erly classify the front passenger and calcu-
late the prop er airbag deploym ent. Do not make any
modifications to the front passenger seat components,
assem bly, or to the seat cover.
The Belt Tension Sen sor (BTS) — If Equipped is
located at the outboard passenger lap belt anchor. The
BTS generates a signal based on outboard lap belt
tension. This signal is sent to the OCM to ensu re that
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Pacifica Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |