another object in the vehicle (i.e. feet on the dash-
board ), the OCS may not be able to prop erly approxi-
mate occupant size. Furtherm ore, the occupant size
may appear to increase or decrease due to objects
hanging on the seat, other passengers pushing on the
seat, or objects lodged und erneath the seat.
If there is a fault present in the system , the AIRBAG
warning light will illuminate ind icating that you shou ld
take the vehicle to an authorized dealer. In the presence
of an occupant in the passenger seat, if both the PAD
ind icator light and AIRBAG warning light are illumi-
nated the airbag will be disabled .
If there is a rap id change in tem peratu re or hu midity,
the OCS may not be able to prop erly approxim ate
occupant size. If you r seat inclu ding you r trim cover
and cushion need s to be serviced in any way (inclu d-
ing rem oval or loosening/ tightening of seat attach-
ment bolts), take the vehicle to you r authorized dealer.
Only manu factu rer approved seat accessories may be
used .
The ORC will not allow front airbag deploym ent in the
event of a collision for occupants classified into the
empty or child size categories. The PAD ind icator light
will illuminate ind icating that the Passenger Airbag is
OFF when the OCS has determ ined that the occupant size
category is a child . Also, when the seat is empty or an
object that weighs less than a pred eterm ined threshold is
placed on the seat, the light will rem ain OFF. (The PAD
ind icator light is an amber light located on the center of
the instru ment panel above the climate controls.)
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Pacifica Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |