signal is then activated , and it corresp ond s to an alert Blind Spot Alert Off
present on that side of the vehicle, an audible chim e will When the BSM system is turned off there will be no
also be sou nd ed. Whenever a turn signal and detected visu al or audible alerts from either the BSM or RCP
object are present on the sam e side at the sam e time, both system s.
the visu al and audio alerts will be issu ed. In addition to
NOTE: The BSM system will store the current operating
the audible alert the rad io (if on) will also be muted .
mode when the vehicle is shu t off. Each time the vehicle
is started the previou sly stored mode will be recalled and
Whenever an audible alert is requ ested by the BSM used .
system , the rad io is also muted .
uconnectா phone — IF EQUIPPED
If the Hazard Flashers are on, the system will requ est
the approp riate visu al alert only.
NOTE: The sales code RER and REU rad ios contain an
integrated uconnect phone. Refer to you r “Navigation
User’s Manual” for uconnect phone operatin g instru c-
tion s for these rad ios. Rad io sales code can be located
on the low er righ t corn er of the Rad io facep late.
When the system is in RCP, the system shall resp ond
with both visu al and audible alerts when a detected
object is present. Whenever an audible alert is re-
quested , the rad io is also muted . Turn/ hazard signal
statu s is ignored ; the RCP state alw ays requ ests the
chim e.
uconnect phone is a voice-activated , hand s-free, in-
vehicle communications system . uconnect allow s you to
dial a phone nu mber with you r cellular phone using
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |