As soon as you turn you r key to the ON position, you you may need to do nothing more than drive you r
will see the MIL sym bol come on as part of a norm al bulb vehicle as you norm ally would in ord er for you r OBD II
system to update. A recheck with the above test rou tine
may then ind icate that the system is now read y.
Approxim ately 15 second s later, one of two things will
hap pen:
Regard less of whether you r vehicle’s OBD II system is
read y or not, if the MIL is illuminated during norm al
vehicle operation you shou ld have you r vehicle serviced
before going to the I/ M station. The I/ M station can fail
you r vehicle becau se the MIL is on with the engine
a. The MIL will flash for abou t 10 second s and then
retu rn to being fully illuminated until you turn OFF
the ignition or start the engine. This means that you r
vehicle’s OBD II system is not read y and you shou ld
not proceed to the I/ M station.
b. The MIL will not flash at all and will rem ain fully
illuminated until you turn OFF the ignition or start the
engine. This means that you r vehicle’s OBD II system
is read y and you can proceed to the I/ M station.
Use of genu ine MOPAR parts for norm al/ sched uled
maintenance and rep airs is highly recom mend ed to en-
sure the designed perform ance. Dam age or failu res
caused by the use of non-MOPAR parts for maintenance
and rep airs will not be covered by the manu factu rer’s
If you r OBD II system is not read y, you shou ld see you r
authorized dealer or rep air facility. If you r vehicle was
recently serviced or had a battery failu re or rep lacem ent,
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |