The stand ard power steering system will give you good
vehicle resp onse and increased ease of maneu verability
in tight spaces. The system will provid e mechanical
steering capability if power assist is lost.
Drivin g throu gh stan ding water lim its you r veh i-
cle’s traction capabilities. Do not exceed 5 mph
km/h) when drivin g throu gh stan ding water.
Drivin g throu gh stan ding water lim its you r veh i-
cle’s brak ing capabilities, which increases stop -
ping distan ces. Therefore, after drivin g throu gh
stan ding water, drive slow ly and ligh tly press on
the brak e pedal several tim es to dry the brak es.
Gettin g water insid e you r veh icle’s engin e can
cause it to lock up and stall out, and leave you
stran ded.
If for som e reason the power assist is interru pted , it will
still be possible to steer you r vehicle. Und er these cond i-
tions, you will observe a substantial increase in steering
effort, especially at very low vehicle speed s and during
parking maneu vers.
NOTE: Increased noise levels at the end of the steering
wheel travel are consid ered norm al and do not ind icate
that there is a problem with the power steering system .
Failu re to follow these warn ings may resu lt in
injuries that are seriou s or fatal to you , you r
passen gers, and oth ers arou nd you .
Upon initial start-u p in cold weather, the power steering
pump may make noise for a short amount of time. This is
due to the cold, thick fluid in the steering system . This
noise shou ld be consid ered norm al, and it does not in any
way damage the steering system .
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |