Tire Inflation Pressu res
The prop er cold tire inflation pressu re is listed on the
driver’s side “B” Pillar.
WARN ING! (Con tin ued)
Unequal tire pressu res from one sid e of the ve-
hicle to the oth er can cause the veh icle to drift to
the righ t or left.
Alw ays drive with each tire inflated to the recom -
mended cold tire inflation pressu re.
The tire pressu re shou ld be checked and adjusted , and
the tires insp ected for signs of wear or visible damage, at
least once a month. Use a good quality pocket-typ e gau ge
to check tire pressu re. Do not make a visu al judgem ent
when determ ining prop er inflation. Radial tires may look
prop erly inflated , even when they are und er-inflated .
Improp er inflation pressu res can cause uneven wear
patterns to develop across the tire tread . These abnorm al
wear patterns will red uce tread life resu lting in a need for
earlier tire rep lacem ent. Und er-inflation, also increases
After inspectin g or adjustin g the tire pressu re, al-
ways rein stall the valve stem cap. This will preven t
moistu re and dirt from enterin g the valve stem ,
which could damage the valve stem .
resu lts
higher fuel
consu mption.
Rid e Com fort and Vehicle Stab ility
Prop er tire inflation contribu tes to a comfortable rid e.
Over-inflation prod uces a jarring and uncom fortable
rid e.
Inflation pressu res specified on the placard are alw ays
“cold tire inflation pressu re.” Cold tire inflation pressu re
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |