in each category is show n on the sidewall of the tires on wet pavem ent, as measu red und er controlled cond itions
you r vehicle.
on specified governm ent test surfaces of asp halt and
concrete. A tire marked C may have poor traction perfor-
All passenger car tires must conform to Federal safety
requ irem ents in addition to these grad es.
The Treadwear grad e is a comparative rating, based on
the wear rate of the tire when tested und er controlled
cond itions on a specified governm ent test course. For
exam ple, a tire grad ed 150 would wear one and one-half
times as well on the governm ent course as a tire grad ed
The traction grad e assign ed to this tire is based on
straigh t-ah ead brak ing traction tests, and does not
include acceleration , corn erin g, hydrop lan ing, or
peak traction characteristics.
The relative perform ance of tires depend s upon the
Temperature Grades
actu al cond itions of their use, how ever, and may depart
significantly from the norm due to variations in driving
habits, service practices, and differences in road charac-
teristics and climate.
The tem peratu re grad es are A (the highest), B, and C,
rep resenting the tire’s resistance to the generation of heat
and its ability to dissip ate heat, when tested und er
controlled cond itions on a specified ind oor laboratory
test wheel. Sustained high tem peratu re can cause the 9
Traction Grades
The Traction grad es, from highest to lowest, are AA, A, B, material of the tire to degenerate and red uce tire life, and
and C. These grad es rep resent the tire’s ability to stop on excessive tem peratu re can lead to sudden tire failu re. The
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |