Overfilling of fluid is not recom mend ed becau se it may
cause leaking in the system .
Rid ing the brak es can lead to brak e failu re and
possib ly an accid ent. Drivin g with you r foot restin g
or rid ing on the brak e pedal can resu lt in abnorm ally
high brak e tem peratu res, excessive lin ing wear, and
possib le brak e damage. You would not have you r full
brak ing capacity in an emergen cy.
Add enou gh fluid to bring the level up to the requ ire-
ments described on the brake fluid reservoir. With disc
brakes, fluid level can be expected to fall as the brake
pads wear. However, low fluid level may be caused by a
leak and a checku p may be need ed.
Use only manu factu rer’s recom mend ed brake fluid. Re-
fer to “Fluids, Lubricants, and Genu ine Parts” in this
Master Cylin der — Brak e Fluid Level Check
The fluid level in the master cylind er shou ld be checked section for the correct fluid typ e.
when perform ing und erhood services, or immediately if
the “Brake System Warning Light” ind icates system
failu re.
Clean the top of the master cylind er area before rem oving
the cap. Add fluid to bring the level up to the top of the
“FULL” mark on the side of the master cylind er reservoir.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |