The new Sentry Key is program med. The Keyless Entry
Transmitter will also be program med durin g this pro-
The Vehicle Security Alarm system monitors the vehicle
doors for unau thorized entry and the ignition switch for
unau thorized operation. If som ething triggers the alarm ,
the system will prevent the vehicle from starting and
provid e the follow ing audible and visu al signals: the
horn will pulse; the head lights will flash; the park lights
will flash; and the Vehicle Security Alarm Ind icator light
in the instru ment cluster will flash.
Repeat this proced ure to program up to 8 keys. If you do
not have a program med sentry key, contact you r dealer
for details.
NOTE: If a program med key is lost, see you r dealer to
have all rem aining keys erased
from the system s
memory. This will prevent the lost key from starting you r
vehicle. The rem aining keys must then be rep ro-
gram med. All vehicle keys must be taken to the dealer at
the time of service to be rep rogram med.
Rearming of the System:
If som ething triggers the alarm , and no action is taken to
disarm it, the system will turn off the horn after 3
minu tes, turn off all of the visu al signals after 15 minu tes,
and then the system will rearm itself.
General Information
The Sentry Key system complies with FCC rules part 15
and with RSS-210 of Ind ustry Canad a. Operation is
subject to the follow ing cond itions:
To Arm the System:
Remove the key from the ignition switch and either press
a power door lock switch while the driver or passenger
door is open or press the LOCK button on the keyless
entry transm itter. After the last door is closed , or if all
doors are closed , the system will arm itself in abou t 16
second s. During that time, the Vehicle Security Alarm
Ind icator light will flash. If it does not illuminate, the
This device may not cause harm ful interference.
This device must accep t any interference that may be
received , inclu ding interference that may cause und es-
ired operation.
Categories | Chrysler 300 Manuals, Chrysler Manuals |
Model Year | 2007 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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