The TPMS is not intend ed to rep lace norm al tire care
and maintenance, or to provid e warning of a tire
failu re or cond ition.
The TPM S has been optim ized for the origin al
equipment tires and wheels. TPM S pressu res and
warn ing have been estab lish ed for the tire size
equipped on you r veh icle. Undesirab le system
operation or sen sor damage may resu lt when
usin g rep lacem ent equipment that is not of the
sam e size, typ e, and/or style. After-m ark et wheels
can cause sen sor damage. Do not use tire sealan t
from a can, or balan ce bead s if you r veh icle is
equipped with a TPM S, as damage to the sen sors
may resu lt.
The TPMS shou ld not be used as a tire pressu re gau ge
while adjusting you r tire pressu re.
Driving on a significantly und er-inflated tire causes
the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failu re.
Und er-inflation also red uces fuel efficiency and tire
tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s hand ling and
stop ping ability.
The TPMS is not a substitu te for prop er tire mainte-
nance, and it is the driver ’s resp onsibility to maintain
correct tire pressu re, even if und er-inflation has not
reached the level to trigger illumination of the Tire
Pressu re Monitoring Telltale light.
After inspectin g or adjustin g the tire pressu re,
alw ays rein stall the valve stem cap. This will
preven t moistu re and dirt from enterin g the valve
stem , which could damage the Tire Pressu re
Monitorin g Sen sor.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler 300 Manuals, Chrysler Manuals |
Model Year | 2007 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
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