To Manually Lock the Steering Wheel
The system uses ignition keys that have an embed ded
With the engine running, rotate the steering wheel one– electronic chip (transp ond er) to prevent unau thorized
half revolu tion from the straight ahead position, turn off vehicle operation. Therefore, only keys that are pro-
the engine, and rem ove the key. Rotate the steering wheel gram med to the vehicle can be used to start and operate
slightly in both directions until the lock engages.
the vehicle. The system will shu t the engine off in two
second s if som eone uses an invalid key to try to start the
To Release the Steering Wheel Lock
Insert the key in the ignition, and turn the wheel slightly
to the left or right, to disengage the lock.
NOTE: A key that has not been program med is also
consid ered an invalid key, even if it is cut to fit the
ignition switch lock cylind er for that vehicle.
NOTE: If you turned the wheel to the right to engage
the lock, you must turn the wheel slightly to the right to
disengage it. If you turned the wheel to the left to engage
the lock, turn the wheel slightly to the left to disengage it.
During norm al operation, after turning on the ignition
switch, the Vehicle Security Light will turn on for three
second s for a bulb check. If the light rem ains on after the
bulb check, it ind icates that there is a problem with the
The Sentry Key Immobilizer System prevents unau tho- electronics. In addition, if the Vehicle Security Light
rized vehicle operation by disabling the engine. The begins to flash after the bulb check, it ind icates that
system does not need to be arm ed or activated . Operation som eone used an invalid key to try to start the engine.
is autom atic, regard less of whether the vehicle is locked Either of these cond itions will resu lt in the engine being
or unlocked .
shu t off after two second s.
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Manuals, Jeep Wrangler Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |