attention shou ld also be given to hood latching compo- rem ove frost or ice from the wind shield . Keep the blad e
nents to ensu re prop er function. When perform ing other rubber out of contact with petroleu m prod ucts such as
und erhood services, the hood latch, release mechanism engine oil, gasoline, etc.
and safety catch shou ld be cleaned and lubricated .
NOTE: Life expectancy of wiper blad es varies depend -
The external lock cylind ers shou ld be lubricated twice a ing on geograp hical area and frequ ency of use. Poor
year, preferably in the Fall and Spring. Apply a small perform ance of blad es may be present with chattering,
amount of a high quality lubricant, such as MOPAR marks, water lines or wet spots. If any cond ition is
Lock Cylind er Lubricant, directly into the lock cylind er. present please proceed to clean wiper blad es with hu mid
cloth rem oving any debris that may be affecting its
Windshield Wiper Blades
Clean the rubber edges of the wiper blad es and the
wind shield period ically with a sponge or soft cloth and a Adding Washer Fluid
mild non-abrasive cleaner. This will rem ove accumula- The fluid reservoir for the wind shield washers and the
tions of salt or road film.
rear wind ow washer (if equ ipped) is shared . The fluid
reservoir is located in the engine compartm ent. Be sure to
check the fluid level at regu lar intervals. Fill the reservoir
with wind shield washer solvent only (not rad iator anti-
freeze). When refilling the washer fluid reservoir, take
Operation of the wipers on dry glass for long period s
may cause deterioration of the wiper blad es. Alw ays use
washer fluid when using the wipers to rem ove salt or dirt
from a dry wind shield . Avoid using the wiper blad es to
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Manuals, Jeep Wrangler Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |