the slow est current can push the heaviest vehicle down-
stream and out of control if the water is deep enou gh to
push on the large surface area of the vehicle’s bod y.
Before you proceed , determ ine the speed of the current,
the water’s depth, approach angle, bottom cond ition and
if there are any obstacles. Then cross at an angle head ing
slightly upstream using the low and slow techniqu e.
Muddy waters can red uce the coolin g system effec-
tiven ess by depositin g debris onto the rad iator.
Crossin g Ditch es, Stream s, Shallow Rivers or
Other Flow ing Water
Flowing water can be extrem ely dangerou s. Never at-
tem pt to cross a fast running stream or river even in
shallow water. Fast moving water can easily push you r
vehicle downstream , sweeping it out of control. Even in
very shallow water, a high current can still wash the dirt
out from arou nd you r tires putting you and you r vehicle
in jeopard y. There is still a high risk of personal injury
and vehicle damage with slow er water currents in depths
greater than the vehicle’s running grou nd clearance. You
shou ld never attem pt to cross flowing water which is
deeper than the vehicle’s running grou nd clearance. Even
Never drive throu gh fast movin g deep water. It can
push you r veh icle downstream , sweep ing it out of
control. This could put you and you r passen gers at
risk of injury or drow ning.
Product Specification
Categories | Jeep Manuals, Jeep Wrangler Manuals |
Model Year | 2009 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |