Key-In -Ign ition Rem inder
the vehicle. The system will not allow the engine to crank
if an invalid RKE transm itter is used to operate the
ignition switch.
If you open the driver’s door with the integrated ignition
key in the ignition, a chim e will sou nd to rem ind you to
rem ove the key.
After turning the ignition switch to the ON position, the 2
Vehicle Security Light located on the instru ment cluster
will turn on for three second s for a bulb check. If the light
rem ains on after the bulb check, it ind icates that there is
a problem with the electronics. In addition, if the light
begins to flash after the bulb check, it ind icates that
som eone used an invalid RKE transm itter to start the
engine. Either of these cond itions will resu lt in the engine
being shu t off after two second s.
NOTE: The Key-In-Ignition rem ind er only sou nd s
when the integrated ignition key is placed in the OFF or
ACC position.
The Sentry Key Immobilizer system prevents unau tho-
rized vehicle operation by disabling the engine. The
system does not need to be arm ed or activated . Operation
is autom atic, regard less of whether the vehicle is locked
or unlocked .
If the Vehicle Security Light, located on the instru ment
cluster, turns on during norm al vehicle operation (vehicle
running for longer than 10 second s), it ind icates that
there is a fault in the electronics. Shou ld this occur, have
the vehicle serviced as soon as possible.
The system uses the factory-m ated Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) transm itter with integrated key and Wireless Igni-
tion Node (WIN) to prevent unau thorized vehicle opera-
tion. Therefore, only RKE transm itters that are pro-
gram med to the vehicle can be used to start and operate
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Looked up a few items and was impressed with how fast it worked. Bought vehicle used and manual was missing. Thanks to this sight I can figure out all these buttons and switches.
good job ........excelent the explain .....