The TPMS is not a substitu te for prop er tire mainte-
nance, and it is the driver’s resp onsibility to maintain
correct tire pressu re, using an accurate tire pressu re
gage, even if und er-inflation has not reached the level
to trigger illumination of the TPMS Warning Lamp.
After inspectin g or adjustin g the tire pressu re alw ays
rein stall the valve stem cap. This will preven t mois-
ture and dirt from enterin g the valve stem , which
could damage the TPM S SENSOR.
NOTE: Seasonal tem peratu re changes will affect tire
pressu re, and the TPMS will monitor the actu al tire
pressu re in the tire.
The TPMS is not intend ed to rep lace norm al tire care
and maintenance, or to provid e warning of a tire
failu re or cond ition.
The TPMS uses wireless technology with wheel rim
mounted electronic sensors to monitor tire pressu re lev-
els. Sensors, mounted to each wheel as part of the valve
stem , transm it tire pressu re read ings to the Receiver
Mod ule.
The TPMS shou ld not be used as a tire pressu re gau ge
while adjusting you r tire pressu re.
Driving on a significantly und er-inflated tire causes
the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failu re.
Und er-inflation also red uces fuel efficiency and tire
tread life, and may affect the vehicle’s hand ling and
stop ping ability.
NOTE: It is particu larly important, for you to check the
tire pressu re in all of you r tires regu larly and to maintain
the prop er pressu re.
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Looked up a few items and was impressed with how fast it worked. Bought vehicle used and manual was missing. Thanks to this sight I can figure out all these buttons and switches.
good job ........excelent the explain .....