Here are som e tip s on gettin g the most out of you r child
restrain t:
Improp er installation can lead to failu re of an
infan t or child restrain t. It could come loose in a
collision . The child could be badly injured or
killed . Follow the manufactu rer’s direction s ex-
actly when installin g an infan t or child restrain t.
Before buying any restraint system , make sure that it
has a label certifying that it meets all applicable Safety
Stand ard s. We also recom mend that you make sure
that you can install the child restraint in the vehicle
where you will use it, before you buy it.
A rearw ard -facin g child restrain t should only be
used in a rear seat. A rearw ard -facin g child re-
strain t in the fron t seat may be stru ck by a deploy-
ing passen ger airb ag which may cause severe or
fatal injury to the infan t.
The restraint must be approp riate for you r child ’s
weight and height. Check the label on the restraint for
weight and height limits.
Carefu lly follow the instru ctions that come with the
restraint. If you install the restraint improp erly, it may
not work when you need it.
Occupants rid ing in Swivel ’n Go seatin g must be
wearin g their seat belt and the seat must be lock ed
in eith er the forw ard or rearw ard position . Failu re
to do so could resu lt in seriou s injury or even
death .
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Looked up a few items and was impressed with how fast it worked. Bought vehicle used and manual was missing. Thanks to this sight I can figure out all these buttons and switches.
good job ........excelent the explain .....