The suggested rotation method is the “forw ard -cross”
show n in the follow ing diagram .
decrease. Tire pressu re shou ld alw ays be set based on
cold inflation tire pressu re. This is defined as the tire
pressu re after a vehicle has not been driven for more than
three hou rs - and in outsid e ambient tem peratu re. Refer
to the “Tires – General Inform ation ” in this section for
inform ation on how to prop erly inflate the veh icle’s
tires. The tire pressu re will also increase as the vehicle is
driven - this is norm al and there shou ld be no adjustm ent
for this increased pressu re.
The TPMS will warn the driver of a low tire pressu re if
the tire pressu re falls below the low pressu re warning
threshold for any reason, inclu ding low tem peratu re
effects, or natu ral air pressu re loss throu gh the tire.
The TPMS will warn the driver of a low tire pressu re
based on the cold inflation tire pressu re requ irem ents
found on the tire placard located on the driver’s-sid e
The TPMS will continu e to warn the driver of low tire
pressu re as long as the cond ition exists, and will not turn
off until the tire pressu re is at or above recom mend ed
cold tire placard pressu re. Once the low tire pressu re
warning has been illuminated , the tire pressu re must be
The tire pressu re will vary with tem peratu re by abou t 1
psi (6.9 kPa) for every 12°F (6.5°C). This means that when
the outsid e tem peratu re decreases, the tire pressu re will
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Looked up a few items and was impressed with how fast it worked. Bought vehicle used and manual was missing. Thanks to this sight I can figure out all these buttons and switches.
good job ........excelent the explain .....