Exhaust System
The best protection against carbon monoxid e entry into
the vehicle bod y is a prop erly maintained engine exhau st
system .
Exhaust gases can injure or kill. They contain carb on
monoxid e (CO) which is colorless and odorless.
Breath ing it can make you unconsciou s and can
even tually poison you . To avoid breath ing CO, refer
to “Exhaust Gas” in the Safety Tips section of this
Whenever a change is noticed in the sou nd of the exhau st
system , when exhau st fumes can be detected insid e the
vehicle, or when the und ersid e or rear of the vehicle is
damaged , have a competent mechanic insp ect the com-
plete exhau st system and adjacent bod y areas for broken,
damaged , deteriorated , or mispositioned parts. Open
seam s or loose connections could perm it exhau st fumes
to seep into the passenger compartm ent. In addition,
insp ect the exhau st system each time the vehicle is raised
for lubrication or oil change. Replace as requ ired .
The top of the MAIN TENANCE-FREE battery is perm a-
nently sealed . You will never have to add water, nor is
period ic maintenance requ ired .
Product Specification
Categories | Chrysler Manuals, Chrysler Town and Country Manuals |
Model Year | 2008 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |
Looked up a few items and was impressed with how fast it worked. Bought vehicle used and manual was missing. Thanks to this sight I can figure out all these buttons and switches.
good job ........excelent the explain .....