Safet y Res traints
Rear combina tion lap and shoulder belt s (2 door model)
Center Front Lap Belt (If equipped)
The lap belt in the center of the front seat does not ad just
au tom atically. You must ad just it to fit snu gly arou nd you r
hip s. Do not wear it arou nd you r waist.
To fasten the belt, pull the belt across you r hip s and insert the
tongu e into the correct bu ckle on you r seat until you hear a
snap and feel it lock. Make sure the bu ckle is secu rely fastened .
If you need to lengthen the belt, unfasten it and tip the belt
tongu e at a right angle to the belt. Pu ll the belt tongu e over
you r lap until it reaches the bu ckle.
If you need to shorten the belt, pull on the loose end of the
webbing until the belt fits snu gly.
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |