What Kind of Cases Does the Board Review?
The Board review s unresolved warranty perform ance com plaints
on Ford , Mercu ry and Lincoln cars and Ford and Mercu ry Light
Tru cks und er warranty that have not been resolved by a dealer
or Ford Motor Com pany, excep t those involving:
A non-Ford prod uct
A non-Ford dealership
A vehicle sales transaction
A requ est for reim bu rsem ent of consequ ential exp enses
unless incid ental to a service or prod uct com plaint being
review ed
Item s not covered by you r warranty
Alleged liability claim s
Prop erty dam age where such dam age is significant when
com pared to the econom ic loss alleged und er the warranty
Cases currently in litigation
Vehicles not used prim arily for personal, fam ily, or
hou sehold purp oses
NOTE: Com plain ts involvin g veh icles on which applicab le
express written new veh icle warran ties have expired at
receip t of you r application are not eligib le. Eligib ility
may differ accord ing to state law . For exam ple, see the
unique broch ure for Californ ia purchasers/lessees.
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |