Driving Your Explorer
When climbing a steep hill, start in a low er gear, rather than
find ing it necessary to dow nshift from a higher gear after the
ascent has started . This red uces strain on the engine and the
possibility of stalling.
When descend ing a steep hill avoid sudden braking. Rap id
pumping of the brake pedal will help slow the vehicle and still
maintain steering control.
Driving on Snow or Ice
A four-w heel drive or all-w heel drive vehicle has ad vantages
over tw o-w heel drive vehicles in snow and ice bu t can skid like
any other vehicle. If so equ ipped, keep the vehicle in four-w heel
drive if icy or slip pery cond itions exist.
Avoid sudden ap plications of pow er and qu ick changes of
direction on snow or ice. Ap ply the accelerator slow ly and
stead ily when starting from a full stop .
All utility-typ e and Four-Wheel Drive vehicles have special
design and equ ipment featu res to make them cap able of
perform ing in a wide variety of off-road ap plications. Specific
design characteristics give them higher centers of gravity than
ord inary passenger cars.
Utility and fou r-wheel drive veh icles are NOT design ed
for corn erin g at speed s as high as passen ger cars any
more than low -slu ng sports cars are design ed to perform
satisfactorily under off-road condition s. Avoid sharp
turns or abrupt maneuvers in these veh icles.
Front Disc Brakes
The front disc brakes are self-ad justing. They do not requ ire
service other than period ic insp ection for pad wear.
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |