Cus tom er As sistance
Roadside Assistance
Ford Motor Com pany has set up a 24-hou r, seven-d ay-a-w eek
hotline with trained operators who put you in tou ch with the
help you need if you exp erience a problem with you r vehicle.
This com plimentary service is provid ed to you throu ghou t you r
warranty period of 3 years or 36,000 miles (60,000 km ),
whichever com es first. To purchase Road sid e Assistance
coverages beyond this period (available throu gh Ford Au to Clu b
in the United States or Ford and Lincoln-Mercu ry dealers in
Canad a), contact you r Ford or Lincoln-Mercu ry dealer.
Ad ditional Road sid e Assistance coverage is unavailable in
Pu erto Rico and the Virgin Island s.
Road sid e Assistance will cover the follow ing:
Mou nt you r spare if you have a flat tire.
Jump-start you r battery if it is dead .
Unlock you r vehicle if you are locked ou t.
Bring you fuel if you ru n ou t.
Tow you r vehicle if you are strand ed. Even non-w arranty
related tow s, like accid ents or getting stu ck in mud or snow ,
are covered (som e exclu sions ap ply, such as impound tow ing
and rep ossession).
How to use Roadside Assistance
Your Road sid e Assistance identification card can be found in the
Ow ner Guide portfolio in you r glove com partm ent. Com plete
the card and place it in you r wallet for qu ick reference.
To receive road sid e assistance in the United States call
(in Canad a call 1-800-665-2006).
Shou ld you need to arrange for road sid e assistance you rself,
Ford Motor Com pany will reim bu rse the reasonable cost. To
obtain inform ation abou t reim bu rsem ent call 1-800-241-FORD (in
Canad a call 1-800-665-2006).
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |