For a warm engin e:
Do not hold the key in the START position for more than
five (5) secon ds at a tim e. If the engine does not start within
five (5) second s on the first try, tu rn the key to the OFF
position. Wait a few second s after the starter stop s, then try
Whenever you start you r vehicle, release the key as soon as the
engine starts. Excessive cranking cou ld dam age the starter.
After starting, allow the engine to idle for a few second s before
driving aw ay.
If the engin e does not start after two attem pts:
Turn the ignition key to the OFF position.
Press the accelerator all the way to the floor and hold it.
Turn the ignition key to the START position.
Release the ignition key when the engine starts.
Release the accelerator grad ually as the engine speed s up.
Then drive aw ay in the norm al manner.
If the engine still does not start, the fuel pump shu t-off switch
may have been triggered . For directions on how to reset the
switch see Fuel Pump Shut-Off Switch later in this chap ter.
A com puter system controls the engine’s idle speed . When you
start you r vehicle, the engine’s idle speed norm ally ru ns high.
These faster engine speed s will make you r vehicle coast slightly
faster than its norm al idle speed . It shou ld, how ever, slow dow n
after a short tim e. If it does not, have the idle speed checked .
If the engine idle speed does not slow dow n au tom atically, do
not allow you r vehicle to idle for more than 10 minu tes. Have
the vehicle checked .
Product Specification
Categories | Ford Explorer Manuals, Ford Manuals |
Document Type | Free Auto PDF Manual Download. |
Model Year | 1996 |
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Copyright | Attribution Non-commercial |